You might lose your first job if you heed minister's 'two jobs' advice: MEF

KUALA LUMPUR: Before you take the advice of Deputy International Trade and Industry Minister Datuk Ahmad Maslan to get another job to heart, it might be best that you check your employment contract.

Working on the side might actually result in you losing your first job, said Malaysian Employers Federation (MEF) executive director Datuk Shamsuddin Bardan.

"In the context of the private sector, all employers do not allow their workers to work with more than one employer," said Shamsuddin.

"If you do it on the sly, and you are found out, disciplinary action will be taken. It normally involves having your employment terminated," he said.

He added that this may happen even if your second job had no direct conflict with the first one.

"Of course this worker will not be able to focus on his first job. Productivity will decline."

He added that there were many examples of this happening in the past.

"One example is a manager who sold cars. His name was listed as one of the senior managers of a stationery business. It had nothing to do with his first job, but action was taken, and he lost his job. The court later found the action justified," said.

However, under certain conditions, employees can apply for permission from their employers to work, said Shamsuddin.

"For example, if he is an expert in a certain industry, and his expertise is needed for say, a talk at a university, he may be allowed. This is because his expertise is needed, and he obtained permission," said Shamsuddin.

Shamsuddin said the suggestion by Ahmad Maslan was impractical and could bring negative consequences in terms of health.

"Under the labor laws, workers are not allowed to work more than 12 hours, inclusive of overtime," said Shamsuddin.

"If he works two places, then he would already be working 16 hours at minimum, not including travel time," said Shamsuddin.

The minister on Saturday reportedly said that it was not wrong to hold two jobs to address the rising cost of living.

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