Notices in bad English draw flak on social media

KUALA LUMPUR: Snapshots of notices at two shopping malls have gone viral on social media for the wrong reason.

The notices drew attention and criticism from Netizens because of the bad English.

The first notice placed by an electrical outlet read: “Go to break”, and the second notice, by a fast-food outlet, read “Dear our valued customer, we are regret to inform you that our shop are temporarily close due to main door shutter issue. Our business will be continued in several times. We are deeply apologise for any inconvenience cause”.

A Facebook user commented, “Dear ***, please don’t use Google Translate and instead, get an employee with good command of simple English to put up your notices.

“You’re hurting the brains of people who come across your notice with your ‘powerful English’.”

Another user posted: “Mind your language... Malaysia edition”, while another said: “Highly embarrassing and unacceptable level of English by any standard.”

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