Parti Cinta M'sia brands DAP "party of hypocrites" for Pas U-turn

GEORGE TOWN: Parti Cinta Malaysia vice-president Datuk Huan Cheng Guan has called on the DAP to clarify whether its past alliance with Pas was merely an act to get votes.

Labelling it a “party of hypocrites”, Huan claimed the DAP is constantly changing its stand merely to receive support and political power.

He said this was apparent when the DAP defended hudud law in the past, when it was Pas’ ally.

“I still remember how Seremban member of Parliament, Anthony Loke, told the Chinese community during a ceramah that they had nothing to fear from hudud.

“DAP supremo, Lim Kit Siang, and DAP secretary-general, Lim Guan Eng, had also signed an agreement with Pas, which stated that Pas had the right to fight for its principles, and for an ‘Islamic country.’

“However, now, when Pas is no longer an ally, the DAP makes a U-turn on its earlier stand and claims that Pas’ fight is against the Federal Constitution,” Huan said yesterday.

He added that it is shocking that Kit Siang is now trying to scare non-Muslims by saying that the proposed amendments to the Shariah Courts (Criminal Jurisdiction) Act 1965 (Act 355) would also impact non-Muslims.

“This is the biggest lie from the DAP, because Act 355 will only empower and widen the jurisdiction of the Shariah Courts, which only applies to Muslims,” he said.

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