Two-headed calf with five legs surprises Kampung Seri Damai folk

KUANTAN: After six hours in labour, a cow in Kampung Seri Damai gave birth to a two-headed male calf with five legs, much to the surprise of its breeder as well as local villagers.

Unfortunately, the new-born died shortly after, possibly from suffocation.

Its owner Ibrahim@Aziz Abdullah, 66, from Kampung Seri Damai said the cow had shown signs of labour since 9am yesterday but efforts for a natural birth were unsuccessful due to the calf’s unusual body structure.

He called the Pahang Veterinary Services Department and villagers for help and managed to get the calf out at 6pm after 15 minutes of struggle.

The calf weighed 30kg at birth, he said, adding that it likely died due to suffocation as it took them a long time to get the calf out.

"I've been rearing cattle for more than 20 years, but this is my first time seeing something like this which has also left villagers here in shock and in awe.

"This cow has given birth ten times but on the 11th time, with this two-headed and five legs calf, it’s nothing short of a miracle," he told the New Straits Times Press yesterday.

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