KUALA LUMPUR: There is no other settlement agreement between Malaysia Airports Holdings Bhd (MAHB) and Capital A Bhd over their decision to drop legal proceedings against each other.
MAHB was providing some clarification on the announcement it had made regarding the discontinuance of legal proceedings with AirAsia Bhd and AirAsia X Bhd.
The airport operator said save for the mutual agreement to discontinue the legal proceedings, there was no other settlement agreement entered into by the parties.
"Being leading entities within the aviation sector, we can find amicable resolutions based on goodwill and camaraderie without having to resort to legal proceedings, which should only be invoked in extreme circumstances," it said.
On the outstanding passenger service charge (PSC) due and owing from AirAsia and AirAsia X pursuant to a high court judgment dated July 18, 2019, MAHB clarified that the full outstanding sum claimed of RM41.5 million had been paid by both airlines.
Further outstanding PSC accrued since had not been waived and remained due and owing based on the principles stated by the High Court and Court of Appeal, it added.
In addition, MAHB said the recent agreement with AirAsia and AirAsia X to discontinue legal proceedings was unrelated to the debt of RM78 million due and owing from AirAsia X.
This sum had already been compromised pursuant to a High Court order dated December 16, 2021 which approved AirAsia X's scheme of arrangement to restructure its debt.
"In compliance with this High Court order, MAHB is currently in the process of recovering the outstanding debt from AirAsia X as a secured creditor in the scheme proceedings.
"As previously stated, MAHB is committed towards working together for the mutual benefit and success of all the aviation stakeholders i.e. airlines, airports, passengers and the industry.
"We will focus on recovering and stimulating the air travel revival and propelling the growth within the aviation ecosystem for both the industry and the country," it added.