
Teh Hong Piow passing: "The end of an illustrious career of one of nation's key icons"

KUALA LUMPUR: The passing of Public Bank Bhd's founder Tan Sri Teh Hong Piow marks the end of an illustrious career of one of the nation's key icons in the banking and financial sector, said AmBank Group chief executive officer Datuk Sulaiman Mohd Tahir.

"He was indeed one of the pioneers who blazed a trail and set the benchmark for this field.

"On behalf of the AmBank Group, our deepest condolences to Tan Sri Teh's family and the entire Public Bank Group," Sulaiman said today.

Public Bank, in a statement earlier today, said Teh had passed away peacefully at 10.20am aged 92.

Teh, who was born in Singapore on March 14, 1930, began his banking career in 1950 and had 72 years' of experience in the banking and finance industry. 

He founded Public Bank in 1965 at the age of 35.

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