
BSN starts offering personal loans backed by EPF Account 2

KUALA LUMPUR: Bank Simpanan Nasional (BSN) has offered BSN MyRinggit Insan-i, a personal financing facility under the Employees Provident Fund (EPF) Account 2 Support Facility from April 14, 2023. 

The bank said BSN MyRinggit Insan-i was offered in the form of Shariah-compliant personal financing for EPF contributors aged 40 to 50 who were not bankrupt with satisfactory financial standing. 

"In addition to that, all applications are subject to affordability on monthly repayment capacity assessment," it said. 

According to BSN, customers who wish to apply for BSN MyRinggit Insan-i can obtain financing amount ranging from RM3,000 to RM50,000 at the standard base rate 1.75 per cent (profit rate of 4.5 per cent per annum).

This will be available for a maximum monthly installment payment period of 10 years or 120 months.

"Customers can choose various monthly installment payments including cash payment at BSN counter, standing Instruction of the BSN Giro-i Account and standing instruction from other financial institution.

"myBSN Applications for BSN MyRinggit Insan-i is open online via the BSN website," it added.

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