
Amir Hamzah: Miti looking into US-sanctioned Jatronics

KUALA LUMPUR: Finance Minister II Datuk Seri Amir Hamzah Azizan today said that the Ministry of Investment, Trade and Industry (Miti) will look into the issue of the Malaysian semiconductor company, Jatronics Sdn Bhd, which was  slapped with sanctions by the United States.

He said the matter is under the purview of Miti and that the Ministry should be given time to invetigate the matter thoroughly and present its findings.

"This matter is monitored under Miti, but if we look at the sanctions imposed, it is not just on one company, but over 300 companies worldwide... let Miti take the time to thoroughly investigate the issue," Amir Hamzah told reporters on the sidelines of the International Social Wellbeing Conference 2024 today.

"What is important is that Malaysia will not compromise if anything untoward is found," he added.

Amir Hamzah emphasised that Jatronics is not a semiconductor manufacturer but a trading company in the semiconductor space.

According to a report by Al Jazeera, Jatronics was among 300 entities sanctioned by the US due to their connections with Russian military suppliers.

The report, citing a US State Department spokesperson, mentioned that the materials shipped by the company to Russia included Tier 1 items from the US Department of Commerce's List of Common High-Priority Items.

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