
[UPDATED] Rafizi: Malaysia plans to produce own GPU chips in 5-10 years time

KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia plans to produce its own graphic processing unit (GPU) chips in 5-10 years time, with the growth of data centre investments in the country.

Economy minister Rafizi Ramli said Malaysia is expected to be a global powerhouse in data centres in the years to come.

Expansion of data centres in the country will turn them into a utility, similar to water and electricity, said Rafizi. "In 10-15 years time if we have so many data centre, it go through its life cycle. There is an opportunity that can accelerate us leapfrogging the value chain."

"If we are able to realise the potential to downstream our semiconductors instead of doing back end, we are hoping that we can start producing 'Made by Malaysia' GPU and chips in the next five to ten years."

"Then not only we create a new high economic value sector that serves our own demand, we can also become a global player," he said during a fireside chat at Forum Ekonomi Malaysia.

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