
#Showbiz: Haqiem Rusli gets flak for 'stealing limelight' in TV game show

KUALA LUMPUR: Singer Haqiem Rusli has once again find himself in hot soup. This time around, for snatching the microphone from a participant of a TV game show.

It was the debut episode of ntv7’s I Can See Your Voice Malaysia which premiered last Saturday.

In a segment which saw a mystery singer singing out of tune Haqiem’s hit song Tergantung Sepi, the 20-year-old singer who is also present as the show’s guest artiste stood up and walked onto the stage and snatched away the microphone and sang a few lines.

While it is not clear why Haqiem did that, many Netizens were not happy with his reaction, which they deemed a little rude and inconsiderate towards the mystery singer.

@sepitsiput commented on Instagram: “@haqiemrusli98_ [Sila kutip komen2 dlm post ini dgn hati terbuka,xyah tangkap sedih pulak. Org tegur sbb org concern]. Tolong jangan poyo sgt. Semua org faham #ICanSeeYourVoiceMalaysia tu rancangan just for fun...motif kau naik stage and rampas mic brother tu? Let him be! Dia nyanyi sumbang ke, lari tempo ke is none of ur business! It his moment, dia masuk program ni pun for fun..and to get limelight... tak boleh ke sbg artis pro ko duduk kat bawah dan bg moral support. Bukannya curi limelight org tu. Cara ko rampas mic tu pun mmg kurang hajar sgt! Meols bising2 karang kata meols create issue...masalahnya benda ni merengsakan je. Chuols jgn fikir dunia ni evolve around chuols je... mamat tu masuk TV bukan utk jd penyanyi... dia masuk situ utk dpt opportunity utk dilihat dan buka peluang2 can you please honor the stage to him and let he finish his song? Kau xpayah over sgt smpai nk ajar org menyanyi... kau menyanyi live pun kelaut dalam.... seriously awkward dan kesian kt brother tu... moment dia kena steal camtu je... #ArtisOverTheTop (@haqiemrusli98_, please take this comment positively, and there’s no need for you to be overly depressed about this comment. Please be a little considerate towards the show’s contestant, everybody knows that the show is just about having some fun. Why must you go up onto the stage and snatch the microphone from him? Whether he’s singing it out of tune or not, you shouldn’t have stolen the limelight from him. You should just be more supportive of him and cheer for him from your seat. It looked so awkward and I pity the guy.

@aldorival_ wrote: “And don’t forget awk sngt2 la masih mentah dalam industri n pengalaman pun sikit lgi. So, be humble Like superstar do.”

Whatever Haqiem’s intention may have been during the show, let’s hope he has more control over his actions in future.

I Can See Your Voice Malaysia has been adapted from the popular South Korea programme which is co-hosted by Yoo Se-yoon, Leeteuk (Super Junior), and Kim Jong-kook.

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