
#Showbiz: KL records lowest return rate for Coldplay wristbands

KUALA LUMPUR: Considering the huge crowd at Coldplay performances for its current Music Of The Spheres World Tour, it could create quite an impact when the band puts some efforts into making an initiative towards sustainability.

At each concert, the popular British alternative rock band requests concertgoers to return the wristbands before leaving the concert venue.

According to Life Style Asia, the bracelets are composed of 100 per cent biodegradable, plant-based materials and are intended to be reused after every Coldplay event.

And at each new event, concert organiser would display via a "Wristband Recycling Leader board" on the big screen, revealing the return rate of wristbands from previous performances.

Guess which country where the band had performed to date ended with the lowest return rate?

It seems that the Kuala Lumpur performance last year had one of the lowest return rates, as it was disclosed at the recent six-day Coldplay concert in Singapore, with the event here placed bottom out of the band's four previous concerts, with a 90 per cent return rate.

In another report, the concert here recorded a 91 per cent return rate, as revealed at Coldplay's most recent concert staged in Bangkok, Thailand.

Meanwhile, Tokyo leads the recycling leader boards with an incredible 97 per cent return rate, while Copenhagen comes in second with 96 per cent.

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