
#Showbiz: Altimet reveals that veteran rocker was scammed of RM1 million

KUALA LUMPUR: Hip-hop singer, composer, and lyricist Altimet has revealed that a rock legend and household name lost RM1 million years ago as a result of a dishonest concert agent.

Altimet or Syed Ahmad Abdul Rahman Alhadad said on his podcast You Syu'd Know recently that the singer accepted his loss as a "painful lesson" and did not take further action against the "scamming" agent.

"This Otai rocker is a legend who emerged in the 1980s and is very much active today. He was once cheated by his concert agent – he and his band were paid RM5,000 but they found that the agent received RM20,000 and pocketed RM15,000," said Altimet.

Altimet added that the rocker told him that he was "blessed" that all the money taken from him had been repaid by God through the success of his musical career.

"He got over the monetary loss, persevered, and became wiser. Thank God his career grew from strength to strength and he got all his money back through his hard work as an entertainer."

Altimet also revealed that the rock singer and his band lost a lot of money to music piracy over the years.

"Piracy was rampant back in the 1980s and 1990s. It is possible that he lost about RM1 million in revenue," said Altimet.

"However, the singer brushed aside his loss and told me that it was 'part and parcel' of a musician's journey."

Altimet hailed the rock legend as a role model for all young singers, as he took all setbacks with a smile and bore no grudges against others.

"He has always been a humble, down to earth and unassuming entertainer, truly a class act and inspiration for all of us," said Altimet.

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