
Putting the spotlight on orthopaedic conditions

WITH the reopening of Malaysian borders, one sector that promises recovery and growth for the national economy is healthcare travel.

In 2019, Malaysia welcomed 1.2 million healthcare travellers, recording RM1.7 billion in health tourism revenue.

According to the Malaysia Healthcare Travel Council (MHTC), over the years, Malaysia has become a preferred healthcare destination for patients seeking treatments related to fertility, cardiology, oncology, neurology, orthopaedics, premium health screening and hepatitis C.

Much of the success that the nation has seen in terms of growth in our healthcare travel market can be attributed to Malaysia's experienced medical experts, availability of state-of-the-art technology, high-quality treatment options and seamless end-to-end patient care.

The reopening of borders for healthcare travellers signals further optimistic growth for the country's illustrious healthcare market.

In the past years, Malaysia has gained a reputation for becoming the region's hub for fertility, oncology, and cardiology treatments. As the country positions itself to become a global healthcare leader, it is time for the industry to showcase the country's expertise in other niche medical specialties including orthopaedic treatments.

Delayed electives and a sedentary lifestyle have contributed to the rise of orthopaedic associated conditions in Malaysia and the Asia Pacific region. Chronic pain is one of the most critical problems that is seen.

In fact, 20 per cent of global chronic pain cases arise from orthopaedic conditions such as osteoarthritis (OA). In Malaysia, 1 in 3 people over the age of 55 suffer from OA pain.

This is followed by musculoskeletal discomfort typically related to our shoulders, neck and lower back region.

The incidence of orthopaedic conditions, especially in young adults, has also increased during the pandemic as the majority of us got comfortable working from home.

Poor posture, long hours in front of the screen and several other factors have contributed to this rise.

A study published by the International Journal of Health Sciences and Research reports that 70.5 per cent of participants between 18-65 years who were working from home reported discomfort and pain, especially in the lower back and neck region.

With a growing ageing population and sedentary lifestyle, the incidence of orthopaedic conditions within the Asia Pacific region is expected to rise.

Along with changing lifestyle habits, the global pandemic has also added to this burden. For example, in Malaysia more than 90 per cent of orthopaedic cases were cancelled or postponed due to anxiety surrounding the pandemic.

Delayed assessments, lack of testing, reluctance in obtaining the right consultation and low levels of physical activity are likely to have consequences on patients' health, both immediate and far-reaching.

The healthcare industry therefore must equip itself to effectively manage this rise and ensure that patients receive the right medical care and attention on their journey towards recovery and better health.

The single specialty model and investments in sophisticated technology are cornerstones to Malaysia's positioning as a hub for orthopaedic treatments in Asia Pacific.

While the Covid-19 pandemic has led to disruptions in the healthcare industry, it has also opened several new discussions around better patient management and effective operation practices to ensure industry sustainability.

This has created a catalyst for healthcare practitioners to move into a single specialty hospital set-up that allows hospitals to be nimble and optimise their performance, while delivering top quality patient care.

Moving beyond the narrative of the pandemic, single specialty hospitals are acquiring a unique position of accountability, affordability and agility thereby garnering greater interest from healthcare professionals and patients alike.

In Malaysia, we are now seeing a rise in single specialty hospitals that are focused on providing niche healthcare treatments across several fields including fertility, cardiology and even orthopaedics.

Not only do single specialty hospitals create a total ecosystem of care, but they also strengthen doctor-patient relationships, empowering the patient to oversee their wellness journey.

*The writer is a consultant orthopaedic, arthritis and sports surgeon at Alty Orthopaedic Hospital.

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