Sunday Vibes

Gift gaffes: What NOT to give your mother on Mother's Day!

AH, Mother's Day — the one day of the year dedicated to celebrating the incredible women who raised us, tolerated our teenage antics, and still managed to keep their sanity (mostly).

But while showering mum with love and appreciation is a given, there are some gifts that should come with a big, bold "NOPE" stamped on them. So, before you rush out to buy the first bouquet of flowers you see (because yes, as usual, you're late with the gifts) or that bottle of perfume that you think she MIGHT like, let's take a humorous journey through the land of "What NOT to Get Your Mum on Mother's Day".

Because, let's face it, while our intentions might be pure, sometimes our gift-giving instincts could use a little fine-tuning.

From inadvertently insulting her fashion sense to suggesting she needs parenting advice, there are plenty of pitfalls to avoid when it comes to Mother's Day gifts.

1. A plant that requires more care than a newborn

Sure, it's beautiful, but if your mum doesn't have a green thumb, caring for a high-maintenance plant may just end in a slow death that becomes a guilt-inducing burden to her.

2. A "HOW to Parent" book

Even if it's meant as a joke, implying that your mum needs parenting advice may not go down well on her special day.

3. A "mum jeans" makeover

While the retro look is making a comeback, surprising your mum with a pair of unflattering jeans may not be the best way to highlight her dressing style.

4. A weighing scale

Nothing says "Happy Mother's Day" better like an "alarm clock" to remind you to watch your weight every morning. It's the gift that keeps on giving... insecurities.

5. A critique or negative feedback

Duh! Obviously it's because mum doesn't want to spend her special day thinking how she could have been a better parent. It's like a Hallmark card, but peppered with sarcasm.

6. A durian-scented perfume

While durians are beloved in Malaysia, the scent may not translate well into perfume form, especially for wearing out in public.

7. A bumper sticker with the words "Motherhood is overrated!"

While it might seem like a humorous take on parenthood, broadcasting this message on her car may not be the uplifting gesture you're going for on Mother's Day.

8. Household appliances

Who needs jewellery or flowers when you can have a state-of-the-art vacuum cleaner? It's the gift that says "Mum, you're the queen of clean!"

9. A pet

Clearly, she doesn't have enough to do already. Which mum doesn't want the joy of cleaning up after another living being and receiving their unconditional love in return... until it's time to feed them or take them for a walk.

10. Self-help books

Nothing says "I love you, but you could use some improvement" more like a stack of self-help books. It's like a subtle nudge in the right direction... or maybe just a gentle shove off the deep end.

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