Sunday Vibes

Exemplifying sportsmanship: Highlights from a pickleball tournament!

"THIS is a friendly for FUN but we do want to go in with a mindset to WIN!" The cheeky WhatsApp ping appears on my phone one frantic Friday morning as I'm getting myself ready for work, complete with a wry smiley emoji, making me grin.

"There's more to this than meets the eye," I chuckle inwardly, knowing full well how determined our captain, Melina Hwang or Mel, as she's better known, is about bringing home the victory.

"Us" comprises yours truly and a squad of pickleball players, handpicked by Mel to represent team MHW (Malaysia Heavy Weights) in a friendly tournament sponsored by KGB Burger, scheduled for the weekend.

Our mission? Take on the might of ATP (All Tennis Players), a team founded last year by a bunch of tennis-loving buddies. Our battleground: DinkiT, the newest pickleball hotspot in Kota Kemuning, Shah Alam, boasting six pristine covered courts. It's here we'll clash with the best ATP has to offer.

With pickleball's popularity skyrocketing, courts are booked solid across the country. The stage is set for a showdown that promises fierce competition and loads of camaraderie. I gather my gear in a rush, eagerly anticipating a weekend filled with thrilling matches and warm connections forged on the courts.


My car screeches to a halt in a quiet spot guided by Waze, and I glance around with uncertainty, wondering if this is indeed the right place. The row of shuttered shophouses ahead offers little reassurance, with only a distant dog's bark breaking the silence.

But then, a sprawling structure catches my eye — a sports arena! Ahh, there it is! My spirits lift as I realise this nondescript neighbourhood harbours a hidden gem: a bustling hub where pickleball enthusiasts converge to indulge their passion.

Entering the arena, I beam internally as familiar sounds greet me — the rhythmic thwack of balls echoing off paddles. I quicken my pace, drawn towards the sunlight streaming through high ceilings, bathing the six sky-blue courts in a warm, inviting glow. Each court hums with energy, a vibrant canvas alive with the dance of players and the crackle of competitive spirit.

Ohh, the sweet symphony of my favourite game!


"Gooo, your turn guys!" Captain Mel's spirited call snaps my partner, Shahirah and me out of our pre-game musings, signalling it's time for our ladies' doubles match. Stepping onto Court 3, paddle gripped tightly in clammy hand, anticipation courses through me.

Our opponents are already in position, focused on drills with eyes intently tracking the speeding balls. The air is electric with the buzz of spectators and the occasional burst of cheers, setting the stage for an exhilarating showdown.

Pickleball, a dynamic fusion of tennis's precision, badminton's agility, and ping pong's rapid volleys, commands the spotlight. It's a sport demanding strategy and lightning reflexes, yet welcoming of players of all ages and backgrounds. Here in Kota Kemuning, amidst these azure courts, pickleball transcends mere competition; it's a celebration of athleticism, camaraderie and community spirit.

Amidst the intensity of play, bonds form and friendships blossom, each player bringing their unique talents and stories to the court. KGB Burger's sponsorship goes beyond fuelling us; it fosters connections and nurtures our shared passion for sport.


As the tournament progresses, the intensity mounts. Cheers grow more raucous, applause heartier, and the stakes feel higher with each passing point. Yet, amidst the rivalry, there's a palpable sense of camaraderie. Players congratulate each other on well-fought rallies, offer words of encouragement, and share moments of levity that underscore the true spirit of sportsmanship.

And as the final matches unfold and team MHW find themselves amassing the points to emerge victorious, the sense of achievement is tangible. This tournament isn't just about winners and losers; it's about celebrating the joy of playing, the bonds formed through shared passion and the memories that will endure long after the last ball has been struck.

Here at DinkiT in Kota Kemuning, where sunlight filters through and the echoes of competition linger in our memories, we depart united for the weekend. Bound by our passion for pickleball and the unwavering spirit of camaraderie, these moments will stay with us long after the courts have quieted.

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