
Dengue awareness in public is terribly low

THE first month of the year didn’t start of well for the country: dengue cases have kept increasing at an alarming rate, making the outbreak a national concern.

As a result, many patients have tested positive for dengue and, worse, several fatalities have been recorded.

The dengue outbreak has always been frightening and flabbergasting.

The campaigns to inform the public about the dangers of dengue have been useful as we try our best to make the situation better.

However, despite efforts by the authorities and individuals, the level of awareness among people is low.

Some feel it is fine to litter when no one is looking, while others make gotong-royong a seasonal activity rather than a beneficial one that should be a habit or hobby.

They think that the programme is merely about working cooperatively and cleaning the surroundings, without taking into account the importance of maintaining a clean environment.

Little do they realise that their lackadaisical attitude will make many suffer in the long run.

Irresponsible people find excuses to defend themselves.

While some feel that their habit of littering dies hard, others feel it is the responsibility of cleaners and janitors to maintain the surroundings.

This mindset is ridiculous. It is a cheap excuse used by those with a poor level of concern as they blame others for their mistakes.

While it is bad enough to have some adults develop the wrong mindset, our biggest concern should be schoolchildren who litter, thinking that their action is not a big deal as cleaners will clear the rubbish soon.

For these students, gotong-royong is only an annual school programme they participate in without understanding its reason.

Let us put an end to this unhealthy mindset and lifestyle.

As for negative individuals, we must save them before there is an increasing number of people who get infected by this negative virus.

Marang, Terengganu

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