
High tide phenomenon: Perak villages inundated by 3.5 metre-high waters

PARIT BUNTAR: Villagers in Kampung Sungai Megat Aris, Kuala Bagan Tiang had a rude awakening this morning when flood waters began inundating their houses as a result of the high-tide phenomenon.

Bagan Tiang Headman Shahrul Nizam Razali said the high-tide water level rose to 3.5 meters as of 1.30am.

"This caused the Sungai Megat Aris to overflow and flood most of the villagers’ houses in ankle-deep water.

"The JKK will carry out a census for all 50 houses affected to determine those in need of aid," he said.

In spite of the flood, no evacuation order was made as the water subsided two hours later.

The Mentri Besar (MB) of Perak’s Special Officer Datuk Abu Bakar Mat Ali visited the village at 3am.

"I surveyed the damage on behalf of MB Datuk Seri Diraja Dr Zambry Abd Kadir and the district officer, and we will assist the affected villagers in terms of food and financial aid.

"The state government will take a follow-up measure to erect bunds, including an L-shaped bund in Ban Pecah," Abu Bakar said, adding that the L-shaped bund is in progress and 80 per cent completed.

The bund will be the main barrier against the high-tide phenomenon and will help avoid major overflow that would flood the villages.

A small restaurant owner and flooding victim, Jaliah Hasan, said this is the highest the water level has risen in the past three days.

"I was awoken by other villagers at 1.30am. They were shouting that the water was rising.

"With the help of my neighbours, I only managed to lift my washing machine, refrigerator and some other furniture to a higher level," she said.

Jaliah said she has been unable to run her business as usual since the high-tide hit on Saturday.

"I hope the local authority can build bunds to avoid the same incident happening again," she added.

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