Crime & Courts

Pick-up driver's speeding stunt backfires: cops issue summons and seize vehicle

KUCHING: A pickup vehicle driver's foolish attempt to boast his driving skills in a video recording landed him in hot soup with the cops.

The driver, who posted a video of himself speeding in his modified pickup truck along the Pan Borneo Highway was not only slapped with a summonses for speeding, but also a bunch of other offences, including a disfunctioning tail light.

He also had his vehicle seized.

He is faced with a possibility of losing all his modifications made to the vehicle.

Sarawak Police Commissioner Datuk Mancha Ata said on April 1, police received a report of a video that was shared on social media showing the driver speeding at the Pan Borneo from Saratok heading to Betong.

"Kuching District headquarters tracked down the driver of the vehicle on April 2 and ordered him to surrender himself at the Simpang Tiga police station. The next day at about 10.30am the driver surrendered himself and admitted to his actions," Mancha said in a statement today.

He said police will not compromise on such actions as it is dangerous and hazardous to the safety of other road users.

"The driver was issued with a summons for speeding under Section 079(2) of the Road Transport Act 1987 and other summonses for offences such as a missing third brake-light, illegal modification, fancy licence plates and a modified exhaust system.

Mancha added that police also seized the vehicle under Section 60(1) of the RTD Act 1987 and has handed it over to the vehicle to the RTD for further action.

Mancha also reminded the public to remain aware and cautious when sharing any information on social media.

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