Crime & Courts

Imprisonment, fines await former husbands who neglect Syariah Court alimony orders

KUALA TERENGGANU: Former husbands or fathers who fail to fulfil alimony payments ordered by the Syariah Court can be charged with contempt of court.

Terengganu Syariah Prosecution Department director Wan Abd Malik Wan Sidek said punishment such as imprisonment and fines can be imposed on offenders who neglect court orders without valid reasons, under Section 11 of the Terengganu Syariah Criminal Offenses Enactment 2001.

"Many former wives suffer because they do not know that they can go to court to request the enforcement of alimony payment if their former husbands fail to comply.

"Former wives can make a complaint to syariah enforcement officers for further action.

He added that the complaint must be lodged within a certain period, in a reasonable timeframe.

"Perhaps, if there are six months of arrears without a valid reason, the former wife can report it to syariah enforcement officers.

"If it is proven that the former husband has defied the previous order, an investigation paper will be opened before the case is referred to the prosecution for contempt of court charges," he said here today.

Wan Abd Malik, who is also the state's Chief syariah prosecutor, said the aggrieved parties need to come forward to initiate action so that their issues relating to unpaid alimony can be resolved.

He added that authorities cannot take action against fathers or husbands who neglect to pay alimony without a report or complaint.

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