Crime & Courts

Two company directors charged with misappropriating more than 15,000 litres of diesel [WATCH]

KOTA BARU: Two company directors were charged in the Sessions court here today for misappropriating more than 15,000 litres of diesel two years ago.

The two, Tan Kim Soon, 35, and Koh Sze Yuen, 34, however, pleaded not guilty before Judge Zulkifli Abllah.

They were allegedly to have in their possession 15,979 litres of diesel, which is a scheduled control item, inside a lorry and Mercedes Benz which is in breach of Regulation 3 (1) of the Control of Supplies 1974.

They were alleged to have committed the offence in front Road Transport Department office in Laloh, Kuala Krai at 7pm on Aug 7, 2020.

Both were charged under Section 21 of the Control of Supplies Act 1961.

At the same proceedings, their company Heng Seng & Company Sdn Bhd was also charged for the same offences at the same place and date.

The company was charged under Section 22 of the same act.

The prosecution was conducted by deputy public prosecutor Wan Mohd I'zzat Wan Abdullah from the Domestic Trade and Cost of Living Ministry.

The two were represented by lawyer Dahlia Tan.

Judge allowed Tan to be released on RM40,000 bail with one surety while Koh was released on RM30,000 bail with one surety.

The company allowed with RM40,000 bail.

Judge Zulkifli also ordered the two to hand over their passports and report themselves at the ministry's Petaling Jaya office each month.

He set Aug 8 for mention of the case.

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