Crime & Courts

Missing RM2 million from bank account was deposited into 11 other accounts - Police

KUALA LUMPUR: The Federal Commercial Crime Investigation Department (CCID) has discovered that the RM2 million which went missing from a savings account at a bank in Kuala Kangsar on July 9, was deposited into 11 other accounts. 

Its director Datuk Seri Ramli Mohamed Yoosuf said the 11 accounts belong to acquaintances, including close relatives and companies linked to the suspect.

He said police traced the misappropriated funds through the fixed deposit accounts totaling RM2,437,526.85. 

He said although the suspect, who was a clerk, has died, the investigation continues, directed on the 11 bank account holders who received the funds transferred by the suspect.

"The money was withdrawn and transferred to 11 accounts from Feb 14, 2023 to June 24, amounting to 108 suspicious transactions.

"This was from three fixed deposit accounts involving the individual, one with her in-law and another with her child. So, three fixed deposit accounts were involved," he said in a press conference here today. 

Ramli said the 69-year-old depositor realised on July 5 that her money had been withdrawn and went to the bank in the morning to report the transaction. 

Following that, in the afternoon, the female bank clerk took her own life.

He said preliminary checks found that the funds in the 11 accounts had been withdrawn or used. 

"The investigation needs to be completed, so we are still continuing this investigation, including involving those who received the money.

"We believe that all the account holders are connected to the suspect and were aware of the money transfers but we are continuing our investigation," he added.

On July 23, Ramli said police would continue to investigate this case despite the main suspect having died.

He said his department was tracing the owner of the bank account into which the stolen money was deposited.

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