
Six thrusts under the 'Harapan Rural Development Plan'

PUTRAJAYA: The 2018-2023 Harapan Rural Development Plan, aimed at stimulating development in the rural areas, has six thrusts - infrastructure, economy, entrepreneurship, human capital, women and delivery system.

Rural Development Minister Datuk Seri Rina Harun said the plan would become part of the ministry’s strategic plan as well as a guideline for it and its agencies in the next five years.

Overall, she added, there were 29 strategies and 94 programmes that would be implemented under the six thrusts including eight key programmes.

The plan also aimed to plug leakages and prevent any overlapping of projects between the federal and state governments, the minister said, stressing on the need for both sides to sit down and work on carrying out a holistic development.

“On the development of infrastructure, the focus will be given not only on the basic amenities such as electricity, water and roads, but also to expand the internet coverage via the Digital Village programme with the cooperation of the Communications and Multimedia Ministry.

“The rural areas must have high speed broadband Internet access so that the people can fully maximise and benefit from it and boost productivity including for personal affairs such Internet banking,” she said at the launch of the plan today.

She added the economic activities in the rural areas such as in the agriculture, plantation and fisheries sectors should be strengthened by increasing productivity, using modern technology and involving downstream activities.

The rural people’s economy must be diversified including through entrepreneurial activities and sustainable rural tourism as job options especially for youths, which can encourage them to stay put in their hometown, Rina added.

“The ministry’s Rural Tourism Directory an dEntrepreneur Data Bank will be introduced to make it easier for the public to access relevant information.

This is our way to promote these two economic activities,” she said, adding that the entrepreneur activities would focus on online businesses as well as on technology and innovation.

Rina said the ministry would execute the Harapan Desa Movement aimed to empower those in the rural areas led by youths to develop their respective villages.

“One of the programmes that will be introduced under the Harapan Desa Movement is the Pioneer Desa Programme together with the private sectors.

This programme encourages the economic and human capital development of a specific village with the cooperation of the private sector,” she added.

The minister also said the Institute For Rural Advancement would provide training in various fields including in economy, innovation and entrepreneurship for all villagers and not only for the Village Community Development Council members.

She added the ministry also planned to add more Kemas transit child care facilities from the current 22.

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