
JMM wants Dr M to step down if he fails to sack Waytha Moorthy

IPOH: Jaringan Melayu Malaysia (JMM) president Datuk Azwanddin Hamzah urged Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad to step down should he refuse to sack National Unity and Social Well-Being Minister P Waytha Moorthy.

“If Tun Mahathir refuses to sack him and no action is taken against him, Tun Mahathir should resign.

"...But if you still insist (not to sack Waytha), refuse to listen to the people’s voices, we urge you to step down,” he said.

Azwanddin said this in his speech at a #Justice4Adib peaceful gathering at Padang Ipoh, here, today. About 100 people from various non-governmental organisations (NGO) gathered since 2pm. They adjourned four hours later.

The gathering was aimed at urging the authorities to take immediate action against those responsible for the death of firefighter Muhammad Adib Mohd Kassim.

The fireman succumbed to his injuries sustained during the Seafield Sri Maha Mariamman Temple riot.

The gathering was also to demand for Waytha Moorthy to resign over comments he made in the wake of the riots last month.

Among the NGOs present were Gabungan Pelajar Melayu Semenanjung (GPMS), Gagasan 3 (G3), Suara Rakyat Malaysia (SUARAM).

Former Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM) vice-president Datuk Hamidah Osman was also in attendance.

Azwanddin’s speech continued with the chant ‘Undur Mahathir'.

He expressed hope that the same gathering would be held every weekend so that the Prime Minister would listen to the voices of the people.

He also urged the government and the authorities to take action against the developer who owns the land where the temple sits on, as well as the lawyers who were believed to have hired individuals to create chaos at the temple.

“Why these people are still outside there but Adib has been killed in this case? Why the government and police refuse to apprehend them? Why they must silent themselves and come out with silly statements,” he added.

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