
MPK, DoE shut down illegal plastic waste plant in Teluk Gong [NSTTV]

PORT KLANG: The Selangor Department of Environment (DoE) and Klang Municipal Council (MPK) have raided and sealed an illegal plastic recycling factory operating at an industrial area in Teluk Gong today.

The factory, believed to have started operation two years ago, was found to have violated the environmental laws by allegedly dumping non-recyclable plastic waste into nearby Sungai Tengorak, located about 50 metres from the premises.

Authorities said checks showed the factory operator had also misled the local authority by stating it to be a warehouse facility in its planning permission application.

In the three-hour operation, DoE and MPK officers found to place to be devoid of any activity and staff. There were however loads of bags containing plastic waste.

A notice of immediate closure and seizure under the Trade, Business and Industrial Licensing By-Law was issued by MPK licensing director Azhar Samsudin.

DoE, meanwhile, sealed all the machines at the premises.

Port Klang assemblyman Azmizam Zaman Huri said he was pleased that the illegal factory was finally shut down following his complaints to the MPK and raising the issue at Selangor state legislative assembly sitting.

“However, I regret that it took MPK so long to act. MPK had been slow to the extent that the pollution has escalated and become uncontrollable. I hope MPK, as well as the other enforcement agencies, will be more serious and act fast to tackle this problem.

“At night, plastic waste is burnt, emiting black smoke which can jeopardises the health of those staying nearby.

“Non-recyclable plastic waste is thrown into the river causing problems to ikan kerapu and prawn population in the area," he said.

Azmizam said he hoped MPK would work closely with Pengurusan Air Selangor Sdn Bhd (Air Selangor) and Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) to cut the supply of water and electricity to the factory.

Meanwhile, Selangor Environment, Green Technology and Consumer Affairs, Science, Technology and Environment Committee chairman Hee Loy Sian said the state aimed to shut down all illegal factories in the state by July.

“The DoE will seal all the machinery in the premises and bring the case to court as they have the power to charge the landowner. The DoE will also inform the Selangor Water Management Authority on the dumping of plastic waste into the river,” said Hee.

Selangor Local Government, Public Transportation and New Village Development committee chairman Ng Sze Han said all eyes were now on illegal factories operating under the jurisdistion of MPK as the state was committed to ensure they were shut down.

“There are still many illegal factories yet to be closed. Our policy is very clear. There should be none of it anymore after notices are served. The best way is to cut off water and electricity supplies.” said Ng.

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