
Pan Borneo Highway new stretch is a relief to road users

SERIAN: The completion of the Serian Work Three Package alignment of the Pan Borneo Highway comes as a relief to road users.

The route, which was previously a two-lane road, has attracted residents not only to travel to the Serian town but also Kuching more often.

Serian resident Jihan Fariha, 49, said the good road condition allowed her to commute frequently from Serian to Kuching.

"Previously, my journey from Serian to Kuching took me more than one hour due to congestion and poor road conditions.

"But now it takes me about 45 minutes," she said when met today.

Housewife Yurika Jita, 22, said with the highway, she could now travel more often from her house in Kampung Mongkos, about one hour from Serian town.

"I rarely go to the city centre as it is quite far from my home. Now it takes only 45 minutes. I hope the construction of this highway will be extended to other areas to facilitate our (Serian residents) travel back and forth," she said.

Hawker Diana Lai, 49, said there was a significant difference in the number of people in the district after the construction of the highway.

"Previously, not many people from other districts came here, probably due to the road conditions.

"But now, the number keeps increasing due to good conditions and smooth traffic flow.

"This situation will help to increase the income of traders like us," said Lai, who sells banana fritters.

Earlier, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob officiated the opening of Serian Work Three Package alignment of the Pan Borneo Highway at Serian Commercial Centre.

Present were Senior Works Minister Datuk Seri Fadillah Yusof and Sarawak caretaker Chief Minister Tan Sri Abang Johari Openg.

The 33.65km Serian alignment involved upgrade works of the Federal road from Bulatan Serian to Balai Ringin with a cost of RM700 million.

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