
National Covid-19 Rt continues to drop

KUALA LUMPUR: The national Covid-19 infectivity rate, (Rt), declined further to 0.92 on Wednesday.

Based on data shared by Health director-general Tan Sri Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah, Negri Sembilan was the only state with a Rt above 1.00 at 1.02.

Rt at other states were Penang, Melaka and Pahang (1.00); Perak (0.99); Johor, Kuala Lumpur and Terengganu (0.98); Labuan (0.97); Selangor and Perlis (0.95); Kedah (0.93); Putrajaya and Kelantan (0.90); Sabah (0.84) and Sarawak (0.74).

The country's Rt was at 0.93 on Tuesday.

Meanwhile, Malaysia recorded another 33 Covid-19 deaths yesterday (Dec 15), with cumulative coronavirus deaths now at 30,989.

According to data at the Health Ministry's CovidNow and GitHub, four were brought-in-dead (BIDs) cases.

Terengganu registered the highest number of deaths yesterday at seven, five each in Selangor and Kelantan, Perak and Kuala Lumpur (four each), Johor and Kedah (three each) and two in Pahang while no fatalities were reported in other states.

As of noon, 3,900 fresh infections and 4,552 recoveries were reported, pushing the respective tolls to 2,696,948 and 2,615,162.

Selangor logged 1,134 new cases, the highest among all states, followed by Johor (403), Kuala Lumpur (325), Pahang (318), Penang (279), Kedah (263), Perak (234), Sabah (224), Terengganu (205), Negri Sembilan (202), Kelantan (111), Melaka (95), Sarawak (50), Putrajaya (22), Perlis (21), and Labuan (14).

As of Dec 13, the positivity rate was at 3.6 per cent.

Yesterday, the Health Ministry also identified seven clusters in Labuan, Sabah, Kelantan, Selangor, Kuala Lumpur and Johor.

The seven clusters were six workplace clusters – Rancha Rancha in Labuan, Jalan Labuk Batu Tujuh (Sabah), Industri Jalan 2/44 Padang Tembak 2 (Kelantan), Jalan Putra Chow Kit (Selangor and Kuala Lumpur), Jalan Kenanga Indahpura (Johor) and Industri Jalan Enam Bagan (Selangor) as well as Sentosa Parit Lima, the sole community cluster detected in Selangor.

Currently, there are 246 active clusters nationwide.

To date, 56,989 people in Malaysia are infected with Covid-19 where 47,049 cases (82.6 per cent) are observing home quarantine, 5,279 patients (9.3 per cent) are at the Covid-19 quarantine and treatment centres (PKRC), 4,277 people (7.5 per cent) are hospitalised.

The remaining 384 cases are treated at intensive care units (ICU) where 213 of the ventilated.

The national daily admissions were at 997 yesterday, with hospital bed utilisation rates at 67.7 per cent.

Kelantan has the highest utilisation rate at 84.6 per cent with 79 active cases, followed by Melaka (80.6 per cent/13 active cases), and Terengganu (79.8 per cent/ 55 active cases).

In terms of ICU usage, 58.5 per cent of the ICU beds are occupied with the highest in Putrajaya where 85 per cent of its beds are used, Penang (77.4 per cent) and Kuala Lumpur (71.9 per cent).

The PKRC utilisation rate is at 29.5 per cent and 36.8 per cent of the ventilators are used.

As of yesterday, 78.2 per cent of the total population (25,529,153 individuals) have been fully vaccinated, comprising 22,799,234 adults and 2,729,919 adolescents.

Looking at age groups, 97.4 per cent of the adult population in the country have completed both doses while 86.7 per cent of the adolescents have been fully inoculated against Covid-19.

Yesterday, 168,716 doses of vaccines were administered including 159,345 boosters. To date, 4,107,585 people have received their booster jab.

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