
Online sales procedure for controlled, subsidised goods to be tightened

PUTRAJAYA: The procedure for online sales involving controlled and subsidised goods will be tightened to curb leakages and irregularities, said Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Minister Datuk Seri Alexander Nanta Linggi.

In a tweet today, Nanta said the ministry was looking into several measures to tighten the online sales procedure for controlled and subsidised items.

Sharing the crackdown operations through Twitter threads, he said 38 advertisements of cooking oil on two e-commerce platforms were taken down.

Between July 1 and 12, a total of 18 premises displaying their addresses on e-commerce platforms were also raided, and further inspection led to the discovery of cooking oil in packets and bottles.

According to him, the ministry seized 255kg of subsidised cooking oil in 1kg packets and 41 units of 500g, 1kg, 2kg and 3kg bottles of cooking oil, with a total value of RM1,495.50.

Nanta said the cases came under Regulation 3(1) of the Control of Supply Regulations 1974 and Section 20(1) of the Control of Supplies Act 1961. – Bernama

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