
First set of KLIA Aerotrain reaches 90% completion - Loke

KUALA LUMPUR: The first set of the automated Aerotrain for the Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA), currently under construction in Wuhu, China, has reached 90% completion.

Transport Minister Anthony Loke shared the progress during his inspection of the Aerotrain construction work at the assembly plant in Wuhu, China.

"I am deeply concerned about the Aerotrain issue at KLIA, as it reflects on our nation's reputation. During my visit to China, I went to Wuhu, Anhui, to visit the factory where the new Aerotrain is being built. I received a briefing and was informed that the first set of the redesigned Aerotrain is nearly complete and is expected to be delivered to Malaysia next year," he shared via Instagram today.

Loke said that the Aerotrain's design remains similar to the previous model, designed for connecting two terminals within a relatively short distance, even though it lacks seating.

However, enhancements have been made in terms of space and seating for senior citizens.

The Aerotrain assembly plant is a collaborative effort between Alstom and the China Railway Construction Corporation Limited (CCRC).

Previously, the KLIA Aerotrain service, which connects the Main Terminal and the Satellite Terminal, was temporarily halted due to ongoing upgrade projects.

Meanwhile, Loke expressed his hope that Malaysia Airports Holdings Bhd (MAHB) would swiftly resolve contract issues, ensuring the prompt reinstatement of the Aerotrain service at KLIA.

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