
Anwar: Let the West criticise, Malaysia's support for Palestine stands [NSTTV]

KUALA LUMPUR: Despite receiving criticism from pro-Israel countries, especially the United States, Malaysia will not retract its support for Gaza and the Palestinians.

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim said this in his speech at the 'Malaysia Bersama Palestin' rally last night.

He said that although Malaysia has always criticised the violence against Palestine, for the first time in history, the grouses were conveyed in person to Saudi Arabia leaders.

"Yes, we are far away from Arab (the Middle East) but every bit of violence happening there, we can relate to. We know what is suffering, what is humanity and have compassion for those victims in Gaza," he said, condemning the continuous attacks on Palestine by Israeli forces.

Anwar who arrived for the gathering at the Axiata Arena, Bukit Jalil after 9pm had just returned from an official working visit to Saudi Arabia and other countries in the Middle East, including Egypt this evening.

"In Malaysia's history, we have always voiced our concern from afar. However, this is the first time that a Malaysian leader has gone all the way to Saudi and around to Riyadh, Cairo, Emeritus (UAE), Bahrain, Istanbul, Turkiye and discussed the welfare and declared support for the Palestinians, amidst the Israeli aggressions.

"I met with many gulf country leaders, including King Salman and the King of Bahrain and held discussions on what measures to take and how to address this violation of basic human rights against the people of Gaza.

"Where is the justice, where is democracy, humanity (in the case of Israelis attacking Palestinians)?

"We are not asking for much, all we want is for the people of Gaza to be treated humanely, provided basic food, medical treatment and etc… Is that too much to ask?

"Where is the United Nations now to defend their rights?" he asked while addressing a strong crowd of more than 20,000 supporters.

He said in his discussion with leaders he met during the visit, one thing was common.

"None of them expect this Israel-Palestine conflict to be resolved easily because Israel has become arrogant with the support from the US.

"The possibilities of the US army invading Gaza is also so real," he said.

Anwar said that during one of his meetings with his Egyptian counterpart during the visit, he managed to convince their government to allow humanitarian aid to be transported via their border.

"Rafah borders Egypt and Israel, and without this permission, none of the aid can be sent into Gaza. Humanitarian aid such as food, medical supplies and basic necessities are very important to ensure their well-being and survival," Anwar said before adding that 200 humanitarian aid containers will be allowed to pass through the border daily.

Anwar said upon his visit to Saudi Arabia and ever since openly stating Malaysia's support to free Palestine, he has received criticism from certain countries.

"But do you really think it bothers me?

"Will it stop us from fighting against the Israeli aggression towards Palestinians or Gaza? Certainly not.

"Malaysia is a fiercely independent country and we will not bow down to such inhumanity against any mankind," he said.

"The war between Israel and Palestine has reached the height of barbarism."

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