
Rain fails to deter crowds at Sarawak Karnival Jom Heboh Segulai Sejalai

KUCHING: The rain since morning didn't deter visitors from flooding the Karnival Jom Heboh (KJH) Segulai Sejalai Sarawak held at Dataran Perayaan Petra Jaya, here.

The carnival that was last held in 2013 witnessed the arrival of visitors from all corners of the state.

Mat Azmun Ujang, 37, said he had planned to bring his family to visit the last day of KJH as there would be many interesting activities, along with happy hour sales at every stall that participated in the carnival.

"I brought my children as well because KJH is suitable for the whole family, regardless of age, and I have attended the same carnival before.

"The last day of KJH is indeed in our family's planning because usually on the last day there are many 'happy hours' (cheap sales) and famous artists set to perform," he said when met at the carnival today.

Another visitor Halijah Hama, 41, said she was excited to see groups of dancers donning the traditional costumes of various ethnic groups in Sarawak at the carnival.

"I'm from Johor Baru and I like to see other people's cultures; from clothing to traditional art of the ethnic groups in Malaysia.

"I have been to Sabah and took photos with groups wearing traditional clothing of various ethnicities there. At this KJH, it completes my collection of photographs with these ethnic groups,'" she said.

On the last day of KJH today, Studio Tonton Drama Sangat featured 11 groups of dancers from various ethnicities in Sarawak.

In addition, the booths were also enlivened by the presence of singers, actors and newsreaders who were ready to mingle with visitors.

The highlight of the carnival will take place tonight at 9pm, with the Jom Heboh Concert.

Among the line-up of popular singers who will entertain visitors are Baby Shima, Khai Bahar, Hael Husaini, Indah Ruhaila, Rahmad Mega and Rem.

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