BUTTERWORTH: A total of 126 summons notices were issued by the Penang Road Transport Department (RTD) against drivers of commercial vehicles for various offences in an operation dubbed Op Khas Lebih Muatan in the state yesterday (March 28).
The operation, conducted between 12 am and 7 am, focused mainly on highways, industrial areas, and major federal and state roads.
In a statement today (March 29), the RTD said the operation also targeted overloaded commercial vehicles, ensuring compliance with the Road Transport Act (APJ) 1987 and the Land Public Transport Act (APAD) 2010.
"In addition to issuing 126 summons notices, action was taken against 13 vehicles for offences under Section 57(1)(b)(Vi) of the APAD Act 2010 and Regulation 89 of the MV (C&U) 1959.
"Among the other offences are driving without a Goods Vehicle Driving License (GDL) excessively worn tyres, the installation of strobe lights without permission, excessive tinting and illegal vehicle modification," said the statement.
The RTD said that consistent and focused enforcement on commercial vehicles would continue to be carried out to ensure their drivers and operators comply with regulations and laws. — Bernama