
Set up National Security Council body to fight organised crime, says expert

KUALA LUMPUR: A taskforce should be set up under the National Security Council, with the prime minister as chairman, to combat corruption and organised crime, said a security analyst.

"With this body, the council could at the same time review policies and strategies related to other security problems," said Datuk Dr Ruhanie Ahmad.

He said this after the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) yesterday detained 34 Customs officers suspected of being involved in illegal smuggling of contraband items, resulting of up to RM2 billion in losses in two years.

MACC Chief Commissioner Tan Sri Azam Baki said the smuggling of chewing tobacco, cigarettes, alcohol, health products and vehicle spare parts was conducted through the Import/Export Branch at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport Cargo.

Azam said the officers had allegedly received bribes in exchange for allowing cargo to pass through without checks or declarations.

Ruhanie said the case could not be fixed through a piecemeal strategy.

"The authorities have to tackle it through a comprehensive mechanism and well-trained manpower."

He added that the case was detrimental to national security as well as the country's management strategies and policies.

"This case shows the existence of an organised-crime syndicate operating in the country since 2017.

"This means the syndicate has a well-oiled network."

Meanwhile, non-governmental organisation Malaysian Corruption Watch president Jais Abdul Karim said smuggled goods could bring security risks and had a negative impact on the economy and society.

He said the Customs Department should improve transparency, accountability and supervision and establish a more efficient inspection process.

"Monitoring and enforcement need to be tightened."

Jais added that the cooperation between enforcement agencies, such as the MACC, police and Customs, was also crucial to fight organised crime.

He said there should be increased awareness and education among the public to encourage them to report cases of graft and smuggling.

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