
PM pledges support for Fire and Rescue Dept at World Firefighters' Day event

KUALA LUMPUR: Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim today expressed appreciation to the Malaysian Fire and Rescue Department for their invaluable service.

Anwar, who conveyed his message during the officiating ceremony of the World Firefighters' Day 2024 celebrations in Tambun, Perak, shared this on his X (formerly Twitter) page.

"This morning, I arrived in Tambun, Perak to launch the celebration of World Firefighters' Day 2024.

"I took the opportunity during my opening speech to express my highest appreciation to the Malaysian Fire and Rescue Department for their invaluable service," he said.

"Sometimes, we may overlook or underestimate the importance of the Fire and Rescue Department and all enforcement agencies in safeguarding the nation's security and rescuing its people.

"Yet, they sweat and even risk their lives in carrying out their duties," his post read.

Anwar said that his promise to the country is to ensure that the Madani government governs with full integrity to guarantee the welfare of the Fire and Rescue Department and other enforcement agencies.

The funds allocated to these agencies, he added, must be utilised for their respective purposes and not misappropriated by those in leadership positions.

Earlier, in Tambun, Anwar said the government's decision to raise the salaries of civil servants despite the country's uncertain economic situation is in appreciation of the contributions of public sector workers including security forces and firefighters of the country.


The Prime Minister said civil servants including the security forces and firemen are at the forefront of the management to ensure peace whenever

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