
Mouldy dish keeps late father's memory alive for Rompin woman

ROMPIN: Although five months , have passed, Nurul Izzati Mohammad Razak still keeps a container of air-tight food containing her late father's last dish.

The food was prepared by Mohammad Razak Daud, who passed away on December 1st.

Based on the pictures shared on TikTok, the food has now turned mouldy due to being stored for a long time in the refrigerator.

According to Nurul Izzati, 29, her father cooked the dish on Nov 21, a day before they all went to Shah Alam, Selangor to attend her sibling's convocation ceremony.

"That dish was our favorite, and father cooked a lot and gave each of us a container.

"I managed to taste his cooking before storing the leftovers in the fridge and forgot to eat it because about three days after returning from Shah Alam, mother contacted us to inform that father fell ill.

"Considering the commitments of my other siblings, my husband and I helped take care of father and managed him before he passed away at around 12.35am on May 1 due to a heart attack.

"Father passed away less than a day after being admitted to the hospital (Rompin Hospital) and after that, I was quite busy with the tahlil ceremony for about a month and didn't go back home," she said when contacted by Harian Metro.

Because of this, Nurul Izzati had no time to check and clean the refrigerator until after returning to her home which is not far from her parents' home.

"I noticed a container of Father's dish when cleaning the refrigerator and it looked fine at that time before it became mouldy.

"I didn't think of throwing it away because it reminded me of Father's last dish for me and my siblings, and I didn't want to 'let go'. It's just that deep down in my heart, I still miss him.

"Besides, until today I'm still affected by my father's passing because even after growing up and getting married, I became even closer to my father.

"It feels like father is still here even though he's gone... this year's Aidilfitri celebration is also modest because it feels very quiet without father as he was an important figure in the family," she said.

Regarding the TikTok post, Nurul Izzati admitted that she had no intention of seeking attention but rather wanted to keep the uploaded picture as a memory.

"I uploaded the video containing those pictures four days ago. I shared it on TikTok because if I keep it on my phone, I'm afraid it might get lost.

"Alhamdulillah, many prayed for my father even though some criticised and asked why I still keep the mouldy food.

"In the comment section, there are also those who share their experiences and last memories with their parents.

"Thank you to those who prayed and followed, I will also throw away the food because it's impossible to eat now that it's mouldy," she said.

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