
Azam Baki vows to fulfil mandate with integrity 

KUALA LUMPUR: Tan Sri Azam Baki has vowed to fulfil his mandate with integrity following his reappointment as Malaysian Anti-Corruption Chief Commissioner.

In a statement, the country's top graft buster thanked Sultan Ibrahim, King of Malaysia, for consenting to his reappointment.

"MACC hopes that all Malaysians together with the government machinery, will help us combat corruption," he said.

Azam was appointed to lead the anti-graft body in 2020, replacing Latheefa Koya. His contract was extended for one year last year.

His contract was set to expire on May 12, but he has now been given a one-year extension.

Meanwhile, the anti-graft group, Malaysia Corruption Watch, welcomed Azam's reappointment as MACC chief commissioner.

"His reappointment is proof that he has done a good job and reflects the King's faith in him," said the group's president, Jais Abdul Karim.

Jais said Azam will ensure the continuity of ongoing high-profile cases and the success of the recently launched National Anti-Corruption Strategies (NACS) 2024-2028.

Launched by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim the NACS outlines five core strategies to combat corruption.

It is a continuation of the National Anti-Corruption Plan (NACP) 2019-2023.


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