
Use latest technology for tree management says expert

KUALA LUMPUR: Local authorities should invest in technology and innovation for tree management in the municipalities instead of relying heavily on the 'eye-balling' methods, says an expert.

Landscape architecture lecturer Associate Prof Dr Suhardi Maulan from Universiti Putra Malaysia said sufficient budget must be set aside to ensure that the trees are well maintained.

"Today's technology to scan roots, check roads as well as Artificial Intelligence (AI) should be utilised as part of preventive measures to tell authorities when the trees should be chopped down before they pose risks to the public.

"Meanwhile, it is the role of researchers to come up with innovations on how best to handle the trees, " said the former Institute of Landscape Architects Malaysia (ILAM) president.

In addition, those involved in planning and designing, as well as tree maintenance, should also be held accountable for their selection of trees as well as their methods of managing them, he said.

When developing an area with existing trees, these must also be factored in, including calculations for wind movement, which should also be taken into consideration, he said.

"Meanwhile, property owners should start thinking about trees, which are live assets, while focusing on building management."

A 47-year-old man was killed when an uprooted tree fell on his car at​ Jalan Sultan Ismail.

Another male victim, aged 26, sustained injuries in the May 7 incident.

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