
Death of female Malaysian sergeant in Lebanon: Husband in shock

ALOR STAR: The husband of non-commissioned officer with the Malaysian Battalion (Malbatt) for the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (Unifil) Sergeant Faridah Abd Rahman was shocked when told that his wife had died in Lebanon.

Noor Azmi Ariffin, 39, said Faridah, 38, had no history of any illness and appeared healthy during her recent holiday.

"The news is shocking. She had no prior illnesses. According to regulations, only healthy personnel are deployed to Lebanon, which is why we were so shocked since she looked healthy," he said when contacted today.

He said the family had sent Faridah, who had served for 18 years, to Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) to return to duty in Lebanon.

"My wife had returned home for a month-long holiday. On Friday, the children and I took her to KLIA as her leave had ended.

"On the way back to Kedah, I stopped by my brother's house. Before I could reach the village, I received news from the commander that my wife had passed away," he added.

He said her body is still in Lebanon and will be brought back to their hometown in Sungai Mati, Tobiar, here after the post-mortem is completed.

"For now, I'm waiting for information from the camp. According to the plan, she will be buried at the Kampung Tualang Mosque Muslim Cemetery."

The late Faridah, who served as senior supervisor for Islamic affairs for Malbatt 850-11 in Marakah Camp, Lebanon, was confirmed dead by medical officers after collapsing upon disembarking from a bus at the camp.

She was pronounced dead at 2.25am Lebanese time on Saturday (7.25am Malaysian time).

She leaves behind four children aged between 4 and 13.

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