
Many pilgrims opt for 'Nafar Awwal'

MAKKAH: A portion of the 31,600 Malaysian pilgrims have successfully completed Nafar Awwal, fulfilling four out of the six pillars of haj.

The Minister in the Prime Minister's Department (Religious Affairs), Datuk Dr Mohd Na'im Mokhtar, said that the remaining pilgrims would undertake Nafar Thani, which involves throwing stones at all three jamarat during the Tashreeq days.

"So far, the stoning process at all three jamarat has been smooth. Alhamdulillah, today, a majority of the Malaysian pilgrims have completed Nafar Awwal before heading to Makkah to perform Tawaf and Sai," he told the Tabung Haji (TH) media team yesterday.

Nafar Awwal refers to pilgrims who have completed four out of the six pillars of haj and then intend to leave Mina earlier, on the 12th of Zulhijjah, after performing the stoning ritual on the 11th and 12th of Zulhijjah. The six pillars of haj are ihram, wuquf in Arafah, tawaf, sai, tahallul, and maintaining order in the rituals.

"Those who have completed Nafar Awwal are now ready to return home, with the first flight carrying pilgrims back to Malaysia scheduled for June 24," said Mohd Na'im.

Meanwhile, this year's haj season has been very smooth, with fewer complaints from the pilgrims. Several improvements have been made, particularly in Arafah, allowing pilgrims to focus entirely on their worship.

Mohd Na'im mentioned that the meals served this year have been very appetising and suited to the pilgrims' tastes, with breakfast in Arafah being fully consumed, unlike last year.

"The number of restrooms has been increased and improved, and there are no issues with water. Pilgrims did not have to wait in long lines for their turn," he added.

Tabung Haji Media Team recently completed the stoning ritual at all three jamarat and performed Nafar Awwal, yesterday.

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