
Saifuddin: Militants often target police first

KUALA LUMPUR: Police are usually top targets for militants and terror groups, says the Home Minister.

Datuk Seri Saifuddin Nasution Ismail said that there are those who believe that if a government is not based on a caliphate, it should be opposed.

"So, they place the police force as their number one target in order to defeat the government," he told reporters after closing the Retired Senior Police Officers Association (Respa) annual general meeting at the Police Academy on Tuesday.

Also present was Inspector General of Police Tan Sri Razarudin Husain.

He said this is why enforcement efforts should focus on combating such ideologies.

"We managed to detect and cripple this movement, and during the intelligence and preliminary investigation, we established a motive that targeted several dignitaries and top police officers.

"Under the Security Offences (Special Measures) Act (Sosma), police are given the power to remand suspects for 28 days to complete their investigations.

"Allow the police to plan their next move and conduct their investigations," he said when asked about the eight individuals recently arrested in connection with the Islamic State terror group.

He mentioned that the core business of the E8 Special Branch (Counter Terrorism) Division is gathering intelligence and taking action against such groups.

"During their investigations and intelligence-gathering process, they will find information to justify making those arrests," he said when asked about the extent of the attack plans of the eight who were caught.

"Terrorist groups should be opposed because they threaten public order and national security.

"Their ideology is not spread in a visible manner, like flowing water. We classify this as a form of threat that has the potential to disrupt peace and order," he said.

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