
MCW calls for mandatory whipping on enforcement officers involved in corruptions

KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia Corruption Watch (MCW) has called for the government to impose mandatory whipping on enforcement officers involved in corruption related to illegal foreign entry and on foreigners who enter the country unlawfully.

Its president Jais Abdul Karim said recurring corruption at Malaysia's national entry points indicates a systemic issue that is becoming normalised.

"This is not the first instance we've encountered, and the annual recurrence of such cases shows that the problem has become systemic, with corruption in this sector almost normalised," Jais said.

He said the need for comprehensive reform of the Immigration Department, including restructuring the system, work procedures, and technology.

"An overhaul is crucial to close gaps exploited by syndicates and corrupt officers.

" For example, counter-setting methods used by syndicates should be eliminated by automating more aspects of the foreign entry process and enhancing monitoring with advanced technologies like surveillance cameras and data analytics," he added.

Jais added that improving integrity and anti-corruption oversight remains a challenge due to insufficient oversight and punitive measures.

He said MCW recommends establishing an independent monitoring body to oversee the integrity of entry point enforcement officers.

"This body should conduct regular audits, perform surprise inspections, and take immediate action against officers involved in corruption," he said.

He also suggested increasing the use of technology at entry points, such as biometric systems and advanced counterfeit detection tools, to reduce manipulable human interference and enhance monitoring.

Jais called for better training and re-education of enforcement officers to strengthen integrity through comprehensive programs emphasising integrity, accountability, and responsibility.

"Officers need to understand the serious consequences of corruption, not only to themselves but also to national security and public welfare," he said.

He further advocated for stricter laws and penalties for corruption, with guilty officers facing appropriate punishment as a deterrent. MCW also urges increased scrutiny of senior officials who may be negligent or complicit.

"Corruption at national entry points affects national security and sovereignty and reflects on the integrity and efficiency of departments like Immigration.

"Immediate and comprehensive action, including departmental reforms, technology adoption, and integrity education, is needed.

"Without radical changes, this issue will persist and become a challenging habit to eradicate," he said.

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