
3-cornered fight highly likely in Perlis, says state PKR keader

KANGAR: A three-cornered fight seems inevitable in Perlis after Pakatan Harapan (PH) decided not to work with Pas in the upcoming 14th General Election (GE14).

The small state, with only three parliamentary seats and 15 state seats, might become a centre of attraction if Barisan Nasional (BN), PH and Pas were pitted against each other for seats.

The previous general election saw Titi Tinggi, Sena, Indera Kayangan, Kuala Perlis and Sanglang state seats as well as Arau parliamentary seat involved in three-cornered fight.

Out of the total, Indera Kayangan and Sanglang state seats were won by PKR and Pas with majority of 1,092 and 121 respectively while the remaining were won by BN.

State PKR chairman Mohd Faisol Abdul Rahman said so far, there has been no discussion, formally or informally, on seats allocation between the opposition pact and Pas in the state.

Personally, he said he preferred straight fights although realising that it was highly unlikely under the current circumstances.

Nonetheless, Faisol said the party was prepared to contest against two or more candidates at each seats.

“We are waiting for the decision from the party leadership and at the same time we respect the decision made by PH presidential council because we are one coalition.

“It is best to avoid three-cornered fight in GE14 so that those rejecting BN will not be confused in their quest to choose an alternative option that can bring changes to the country,

“However, we respect and abide by the PH leadership’s decision and we also hope that the voters will understand too. We will work as a team,” he said when contacted.

Faisol added that PH's decision of none cooperation with Pas would not affect the existing good relationship between the two parties in the state.

"We may no longer collaborate politically but that does not mean we have to be on bad terms." he said.

Meanwhile Pas said the move, which was announced by PH chairman Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad after a four-hour meeting recently, would not affect the Islamic party.

State Pas Commissioner Mohd Shukri Ramli said the terminated 'tahaluf siyasi' (political cooperation) between Pas and PH still stands.

“The decision does not trouble Pas as our party is moving forward under Gagasan Sejahtera with the support from non-governmental organisations.

“In Perlis, the move has no effect especially in term of machineries to face the upcoming general election.” he said.

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