
Pas: Kit Siang's Malaysian Dream a poisonous propaganda

KUALA LUMPUR: The recent controversial remark by DAP veteran Lim Kit Siang on the 'Malaysian Dream' has been dubbed as poisonous propaganda by Pas.

Pas secretary-general Datuk Seri Takiyuddin Hassan said such a statement could potentially create an atmosphere of disharmony in the country.

He said Lim's statement is akin to being ignorant of the law without looking at the conventions that have been practised since the country achieved independence until today, where a non-Malay has never been a Prime Minister and also Deputy Prime Minister.

"Lim could not hide his prejudice against the role of the Malays as national leaders or their position in politics by associating the Malaysian Dream of various ethnicities, religions and cultures directly with the post of Prime Minister held by a non-Malay.

"In other words, Lim seems to think that only by having a non-Malay Prime Minister can Malaysia be considered to have achieved its dream of being a successful country.

"For Lim, all the effort made and all the successes that have been achieved so far under the leadership of the Malays in creating a developed, united, considerate, mutual respect and harmony country seem meaningless if the position of Prime Minister continues to be held by the particular ethnic group," he said in a statement today.

He said that the Malaysian Dream should be rejected in the same manner as the 'Malaysian Malaysia' ideology due to the ambiguity, bad intentions and contradictions contained therein.

The Islamist party warned against any parties trying to raise such sensitive matters to offend the Malays and Bumiputera which could trigger a racial incident.

"Everyone should stop rage baiting the Malays and the Bumiputera," he added.

Lim is being probed by police over his speech at a programme in England last month.

He reportedly repeated the same in Scotland as well, where he said the Federal Constitution does not prevent any non-Malay from becoming Prime Minister.

He also hoped that Malaysia would not need 230 years to see a non-Malay having the opportunity to become Prime Minister.

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