
Sanusi hopes Tanjung Karang MP last Bersatu man to support Anwar [NSTTV]

POKOK SENA: Perikatan Nasional election director Datuk Seri Muhammad Sanusi Md Nor hopes that Tanjong Karang member of Parliament (MP) Datuk Dr Zulkafperi Hanapi will be the last Bersatu MP to pledge support to Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

Sanusi, who is also Kedah Menteri Besar, claimed that Dr Zulkafperi succumbed to political pressure due to the lack of financial allocation for his constituency from the federal government.

"I sense that... because I haven't spoken to him myself, that there is a form of pressure called 'allowing hunger'... they let him starve... he's facing pressure in his constituency.

"His constituents demanded but he lacked the capability. So he is exhausted and has to (support Anwar). I hope that's the last of it (Bersatu MPs supporting Anwar)," he said during a press conference after opening a book fair here today.

Yesterday, Zulkafperi became the sixth Bersatu MP to declare support for Anwar.

He said the decision was made so he could continue advocating for the welfare and development of his constituents, including enhancing infrastructure and addressing local needs.

Zulkafperi also stressed that his support for Anwar was voluntary and not influenced by any coercion or pressure, asserting it was for the betterment of the people of Tanjong Karang.

Meanwhile, Sanusi urged other Bersatu MPs not to succumb to political and financial pressures in serving the people.

"Representatives should be prepared to endure hardship, ready to suffer. If they find happiness... alhamdulillah," he added.

On Jan 6, it was reported that eight Bersatu members were awaiting the reconvening of Parliamentto declare their support for Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

Bukit Gantang MP Datuk Syed Abu Hussin Hafiz Syed Abdul Fasal said they were adopting a 'wait and see' approach.

In December, he had asserted that several more MPs from Perikatan Nasional (PN) would soon express their support for Anwar.

The Bersatu MP claimed about seven or eight MPs from various states would back the prime minister.

However, he declined to disclose the MPs' identities and whether they belonged to Pas or Bersatu.

Besides Syed Abu Hussin, four more MPs from Bersatu have endorsed Anwar's leadership, namely Zahari Kechik (Jeli), Mohd Azizi Abu Naim (Gua Musang), Datuk Iskandar Dzulkarnain Abdul Khalid (Kuala Kangsar), and Datuk Dr Suhaili Abdul Rahman (Laban).

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