
Ismail Sabri: Umno members must work to restore its glory

KUALA LUMPUR: It is up to Umno members to restore the party's glory and this can be achieved if they remain as a united front.

Former Umno vice-president Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob said this when speaking in conjunction with the party's 78th anniversary.

The former prime minister said Umno has always defended the interest of all Malaysians, regardless of their race and creed. He said this has always been the party's struggle since it was established before independence.

"Our success (in defending all Malaysians) was due to the party's base and ideology, which are very clear. Our struggle is for the sake of the religion, race and country and we have always done this with moderation, without sidelining any quarter.

"Close ranks and hold steady to our principles in our struggle because it is only us- Umno members- who could restore the glory of our past. Happy 78th anniversary to our beloved party. Hidup Umno!"

Umno was set up on May 11, 1946 with Dato Onn Jaafar being is first president. It remains the biggest party in the Barisan Nasional coalition.

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