
Patriotism must be inclusive

MERDEKA, the word that echoes through the hearts of Malaysians, is more than just a historical milestone marking the end of colonial rule.

It is the breath that fills our lungs, the energy that courses through our veins, and the force that unites us as a nation.

Merdeka represents independence, but its significance transcends politics and power. It is a living, breathing spirit of love, care, patriotism and loyalty that every Malaysian should cherish and nurture.

Independence is a sacred concept that should never be sullied by politics or associated with any political party or leader.

Merdeka is a national treasure, a shared heritage that belongs to every Malaysian regardless of race, religion or political affiliation. It is a unifying force, a common thread that binds us together in our diversity.

To truly honour Merdeka, we must understand that it is not a tool for political gain or a symbol of any individual's legacy.

It is a collective achievement, a moment in history that signifies the triumph of the people's will over colonial oppression.

When we celebrate Merdeka, we are not celebrating the success of a party or a leader: We are celebrating our identity as Malaysians, and our freedom and unity.

Nationalism and patriotism are often used interchangeably, but they are distinct concepts that play different roles in our lives.

Nationalism is the belief in the superiority and interests of one's nation above others, often leading to an exclusionary mindset.

While nationalism can inspire pride, it can also breed division and hostility when it becomes too focused on "us versus them".

It breeds chauvinists, extremists and bigots to some point.

Patriotism, on the other hand, is a deep love and devotion to one's country. It is the driving force behind our desire to contribute to the nation's well-being and to see it thrive.

Patriotism is inclusive, welcoming all who love the country and work for its betterment.

Every Malaysian should strive to be a patriot. Patriotism is what makes us care for our fellow citizens, protect our environment, uphold justice and support the nation's growth.

It is what makes us take pride in our culture, history and achievements, while acknowledging our flaws and working to overcome them.

Education is the cornerstone of a patriotic society.

It is through education that we learn about our nation's history, values, and principles. It is in our schools that the seeds of patriotism are sown, as children learn about the sacrifices made by those who fought for our freedom and the responsibilities that come with being a citizen of an independent nation.

A robust education system that emphasises critical thinking, empathy and a deep understanding of our national heritage is essential in fostering a healthy sense of patriotism.

Students should be taught not only about the glorious moments of our past but also about the challenges we have faced, and the ongoing struggles to build a just and equitable society.

They should be encouraged to ask questions, to think deeply about what it means to be a Malaysian and to explore ways in which they can contribute to the nation's future.

Patriotism is not just a feeling; it is a set of actions and behaviours that demonstrate our love for the country.

Simple acts like standing up for the national anthem, respecting our national emblems and doing community service, are expressions of patriotism. More importantly, it is our everyday actions that reflect our love for Malaysia.

Supporting local businesses, protecting our environment, and treating people and animals with kindness and respect are some ways we can show our patriotism.

Dutifully voting in elections, staying informed about national issues and engaging in constructive dialogue about the future of our country are also important aspects of being a responsible and patriotic citizen.

The simple act of reporting a faulty traffic light, a missing road signage and a comment from the Masjid India sinkhole search team "we are searching for the victim, just like our family member" are the greatest lines that we can hold on to, to show our love to our nation.

In our daily lives, we can foster unity by celebrating our cultural diversity, promoting tolerance and building bridges between different communities.

Merdeka is not just about freedom from colonial rule, it is about the freedom to be who we are as Malaysians, to live in peace and harmony with one another, and to work for the common good.

To overcome the challenges in fostering patriotism, we must cultivate a more inclusive and dynamic understanding of patriotism — one that encourages critical engagement, embraces diversity and inspires action.

We must create spaces for open dialogue, where Malaysians can express their love for the country in ways that are meaningful to them, whether through art, activism or community service.

Our nationalism must be inclusive, forward-looking and grounded in a commitment to justice, equality and the wellbeing of all Malaysians.

Merdeka is the air we breathe and the energy that sustains us as a nation. It is a powerful force that transcends politics and unites us in our shared love for Malaysia.

By fostering a healthy sense of patriotism, educating our citizens, and embracing the challenges and opportunities of the future, we can ensure that the spirit of Merdeka continues to inspire and guide us for generations to come.

Selamat Hari Kebangsaan to every Malaysian.

Ravindran wrote a column, 'Estate Chronicles', for the NST that ran from January 2023 until May 2024

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