LETTERS: More than 723,730 people have been infected with Covid-19 and more than 34,000 people have died from it. Italy has the most number of deaths and Malaysia has more than 2,470 cases.
Many countries are in lockdown and have imposed travel bans and restrictions. Many people are being quarantined in their homes. I know many are disturbed by what is happening and some even perturbed by the inconvenience of the Movement Control Order.
I appeal to Malaysians to focus on the positive things that are happening as we face this threat.
FIRSTLY, let us express our gratitude to the frontliners — the police, the armed forces, doctors, nurses, paramedics and caregivers — who are risking their lives to fight this lethal invisible attacker.
Let us appreciate and recognise them as the heroes of a most perilous war, in which the enemy is silently killing people the world over. Let’s cooperate and heed their request: “I stay at work for you, you stay at home for us.”
SECONDLY, let us stop blaming each other over the spread of the virus. Covid-19 is colour-blind and non-partisan. It can attack anyone who is unprotected and carelessly exposed. Remember our enemy is not people, but the coronavirus.
THIRDLY, as many are stuck at home, do not succumb to a sedentary life of eating, watching television, playing games and circulating fake news. For those working from home, this is the best time to build self-discipline and be productive. This is a good time to show your bosses and employers your commitment and value.
During this quarantine period, do not put your life on hold. This is the perfect time to bond, support and encourage one another.
Finally, let us all pull together our strength, knowledge and expertise to fight this battle. For those who wonder if Malaysia can survive the repercussions of this pandemic, remember that we have overcome three economic crises: the 1985-1986 commodity shock, the 1997-1998 Asian financial crisis and the 2008-2009 global financial crisis. Let us all make it our “Mission 2020” to beat Covid-19. The time has come for us to rise to the challenge again.
Chief executive officer, KL Strategic Change Consulting Group
The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect those of the New Straits Times