
No normalisation with Israel

LETTERS: Israel's statement that it wants to forge ties with Malaysia, Indonesia and Brunei is a sign that the illegal apartheid state is drawing up a special focus agenda for the three Islamic countries in Southeast Asia.

The Jerusalem Post reported that Israel was ready to establish relations with the three Islamic countries.

Israel's ambassador to Singapore, Sagi Karni, in an interview with the newspaper, said the opportunity would allow the Jewish regime to correct many misunderstandings regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

We are of the view, however, that there is no misunderstanding about Israeli crimes in Palestine. The fact is very clear. Israel is an illegal state established by occupying the

Palestinian state.

The three Islamic countries in the region must not compromise in any way with Israel. The intolerant stance with Israel is not just because of it's 11-day offensive on the Gaza Strip that killed more than 250 Palestinians last month.

It is because Israel does not deserve to be recognised. It is an illegal apartheid state.

Israel has for more than seven decades committed crimes against the Palestinians. The 73-year occupation has been brutal and has violated all provisions of international law.

To date, Israel has not stopped its violence that has resulted in over six million Palestinian refugees since 1948. The barbaric actions of imposing a siege on Gaza and attacking Gaza in operations in 2008, 2009, 2012, 2014 and this year have killed thousands of Palestinian civilians, injured tens of thousands more and destroyed public infrastructure.

Meanwhile in the West Bank, Palestinians continue to be persecuted, arrested, tortured and killed. Therefore, Malaysia, Indonesia and Brunei must be consistent.

Keep demanding for the United Nations to intervene and stop the inhumane attacks on the Palestinian population. We insist that the position of no formal or informal affiliation with Israel be maintained.

Karni claimed the criticism of the leaders of the three countries was "dishonest" and not based on the actual circumstances of the conflict which he described as a confrontation between Israel and Hamas and not Israel against all Palestinians.

This statement is completely false. Hamas was founded in 1984 while the Jewish Zionist aggression began in 1948. Palestinians have had no ability to defend their rights, until Hamas was established.

Hamas is a liberation organisation. It is the only movement that can keep Jewish Zionists from acting arbitrarily over Gaza, the West Bank and in Jerusalem.

The Israeli ambassador made a well known claim that Hamas is radical and fascist. But, the Israeli Zionists are in fact the fascist regime. Evidence is abundant and his words are contradictory allegations against the reality on the ground.

There are no negotiations that can be done with Israel. Israel needs to be disbanded, Palestinian land needs to be liberated. This is the only solution. We emphasise that the citizens of the three Muslim countries in the region will rise up if Israel tries to challenge their sovereignty.

Israeli attempts to soften the three Islamic countries will be monitored and we cannot compromise with it. We vehemently reject any attempt of normalisation with Israel.


President of MAPIM


Chairman of MANAR


Chairman of SHURA


Secretary-General of the Palestinian Secretariat of Malaysia

The views expressed in this article are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect those of the New Straits Times

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