
Make sure employers are paying the minimum wage

LETTERS: On May 8, the United Nations Children's Fund released its "Living on the Edge: Key Findings" report, where it recommended that the government increase the minimum wage from RM1,500 a month to RM2,102.

Unicef said it took into account factors like cost of living, poverty line income and productivity.

However, instead of studying the proposal by Unicef, I feel the government should monitor the enforcement of the minimum wage, which was raised two years ago.

There have been complaints by some workers that employers were not paying them the new minimum wage.

They also complained that employers had taken away some employment benefits to cover the new minimum wage increase.

On Labour Day on May 1, the Malaysian Trades Union Congress (MTUC) urged the government to identify employers who did not pay the minumum wage.

These complaints and arising issues need to be addressed to avoid additional problems for workers who are facing economic challenges.

Workers who feels that their employer has ignored their basic right to receive the minimum wage should lodge a complaint with the Department of Labour or National Wages Consultative Council Secretariat at the Human Resources Ministry.


Associate Professor

Faculty of Syariah & Laws

Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia

The views expressed in this article are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect those of the New Straits Times

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