
Insurance firm didn't cover full repair cost after crash

LETTERS: I read with interest the NST Leader on June 23 regarding the unhealthy practices in our legal fraternity.

I'd like to suggest that our insurance laws and policies be scrutinised by the authorities.

This involves lopsided laws that benefit insurance companies more than policy-holders or aggrieved parties when disputes arise in accidents.

I was involved in a traffic accident when the driver of the car behind hit my car.

The driver happened to be a practising lawyer. So he should know the laws better than me. I also expected justice from him.

My car was in the workshop for 12 days, and when I was called to collect my car, I was asked to pay RM600 to cover repair costs before I could take the car.

When I enquired why I needed to pay when I was the aggrieved party, the answer I got was the insurance company didn't cover all the costs, and that I had to foot the balance before I could collect my car.

All this sounds ridiculous and a bit high-handed when I was the aggrieved party, and the insurance company seemingly washed its hands of my case.

I had to borrow or rent a car for 12 days while my car was in the workshop.

The full amount for repairs should be settled by the offender's insurance company instead of me, the aggrieved party.

Some insurance companies just can't do the right thing and pay out compensation.


Kulai, Johor

The views expressed in this article are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect those of the New Straits Times

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