
Don't politicise, support decision to assist injured Palestinians on humanitarian ground

LETTERS: There are several posts circulating on social media that are criticizing, belittling and opposing the government's action of flying in 41 injured Palestinians and 86 of their relatives for medical treatment.

One argument used is that "why should we help others from another place when Arab countries are not doing it?"

Some are so petty in nitpicking as to suggest that images or videos of these injured Palestinians did not look very injured to them when they arrived.

They may have mistaken the relatives accompanying them. These critics also do not know the criteria used in selecting these people for treatment or don't care to know.

A more insidious argument used by some critics is that these injured "are not ordinary Palestinians but Hamas militants..."

Helping those 41 injured Palestinians would not cost the country much compared to other less urgent expenditures, and money lost in wastage, inefficiency and corruption.

So what's exactly are they complaining about in this matter?

Instead, these critics should not be so petty and trivial here, or it would suggest that they have a hidden agenda against the Palestinian people or support the neo-Nazi genocidal state of Zionist Israel.

While they are entitled to criticise the prime minister, the unity government and others on government policies, they should not politicise the suffering of others and noble action of our government in helping, in a very small way, our fellow human beings who are suffering more than anybody else based on solidarity, humanitarian and compassionate principles.


Corporate, Political & Geopolitical Analyst,

CEO of Sustainable Peace Museum Project

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